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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


According to JWT reserarch over 1 billion people identify as Muslim around ther world. Islam shapes their sense of identity, their beliefs and values, and their behavior. From the marketing perspective, the growing influence of Islam is bound to have a widespread effect on Muslims' consumption.
Yet many brands and their marketers are failing to connect with consumers whose combined disposable income is estimated by JWT to be well in excess of $170 billion a year in the United States alone.
Research has shown that Islam is reflected in the attitudes of consumers, their behavior and preferences and identifies which brands and products Muslims are more likely to favor, which ones they avoid and which factors determine their choices.

muslim woman shopping
More than 5 million strong, Muslims represent one of the fastest growing segments of American society. They come from all walks of life: doctors, business leaders, grocers, teachers, etc. On one hand, Muslim Americans are part of the American social fabric as a community, but on the other hand, Muslims vary hugely by ethnicity, faith, treadition, education, income and degree of religion observance, to name a few differences.

Source: CAIR
Allied Media offers to its clients a comprehensive market overview for a more effective advertising and marketing campaign targeting muslim americans.
Marketing Strategies vary within the American Muslim community depending on many criteria. Allied Media expertise in this market helps advertisers plan their marketing for better return on their investment.

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